Sunday 18 May 2008

Labour MP Martin Salter On Shooting Birds and the Environment

Martin Salters Speeches in Parliament can be read at Salters Speeches. In one of his most recent ones, he said that
'only 18 per cent. of the public fit into the category of "committed environmentalist". That might be okay when it comes to voting in local elections, but it is certainly not okay when it comes to doing the right thing.' Its kind of him to admit that we are the party that represents the environmental movement, usually all the other parties claim that honour as well.

Martin became Vice Chair of the Labour Party representing the environment last year, but has said and done very little on it since then. Much of what he has said has been full of errors, but claims to one of 'those ... who genuinely believe in climate change and who want to lead the public debate and change public attitudes.' Theres not much time for him to learn, but there are plenty of places he can look things up, including this blog.

Many greens are surprised at his support of bloodsports,
At its recent Party Conference, Labour vice chair and Reading West MP Martin Salter hosted a reception for pro-shoot lobby group, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). Mr Salter was recently made a BASC 'Centenary Patron'.

Martin Salter is the government’s official parliamentary spokesperson for shooting. In a recent document setting out policy options, he wrote ‘As a political party, we want to go much further than merely promising not to restrict shooting. We want to actively encourage people to take up the sports and to develop policies under which they can develop and prosper.’

Please write to your MP to register your disgust with Labour’s promotion of shooting and lack of action on the environment. You can ask your MP to contact Hilary Benn (Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) to demand action. If your MP is anything like Martin, don't expect much of a response though.

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